“Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, and Job Security all fall into the same category. They just don’t exist. They’re fun to think about and easy to believe in, but when the truth finally comes out–and it always does–there is a sinking feeling and a wondering why “no one told me this before.”
~Carrie Wilkerson
Why I Love Carrie Wilkerson
I simply love Carrie Wilkerson. She is feisty yet sincere, she is brutally honest which hurts and heals all the necessary stuff, and she tells it like it is. She teaches and entertains. She grabs you with her wonderful presence, her amazing story and her writing. She has her own style and she knows her strengths.
“Just beat your best, do your best, and learn your best. Then take action, and you cannot help but be profitable and succeed on your terms.”
~Carrie Wilkerson
When I first heard about the “Barefoot Executive“, the title instantly grabbed me. I am, after all, a barefoot executive, I love being barefoot – I am a yogini, it’s in my nature, baby, and I am running my own company from home. Carrie had me at hello and I yet to let her go…
I have to give her branding genius an A+, it is both literal and catchy, the contrast of two opposites infused for perfect purpose. Carrie is of course the ultimate Barefoot Executive herself. I was listening to an interview where she talked about getting dressed up every day to work at her home office, sans the shoes.
And her work is the epitome of success. Carrie has built her magnificent brand and business from scratch, and she has more than paid her dues. What keeps her going, as she went on in that interview is her why. “Your why should make you cry. You have to know why you’re doing what you’re doing!” she said. She knows exactly why she gets up to do this work everyday. She is crystal clear on what’s important to her, on what motivates her and on what drives her, and that is a must-know for each of us.
Do you know your own why?
“Stop looking for miracles; lace up your tennis shoes and get to walking! Walk in the rain, in the cold, in the heat. Walk when you’re tired, when you’re bored, when you’re hungry. Walk when your feelings are hurt, when you have a headache, and when the scale doesn’t seem to be moving. Focus on the right activities consistently and, in your diet as well as in your business, you will see improvement.” ~Carrie Wilkerson
Infusing Money, Love and Business
Read the “Barefoot Executive” if you are interested in not just becoming your own brand and business but in doing it from the heart, in doing it on purpose and with intention, in doing it in such a way that it feels good and makes money. And yes, that could mean lots and lots of money.
Don’t be so afraid or ashamed or shy or whatever else negative silly emotion people muster up around wanting to make real money, because the only truth is this: you can serve better when you have money than when you are broke. You can help your business, your life, your community far better when you have money than when you do not. So if you have any internal conflicts around that, you won’t get as much out of the Barefoot Executive. If you have no hang-ups around creating a healthy thriving and profitable business with a heart-centered purpose, then fantastic for you and this book a gem.
And your business can be anything at all. Carrie teaches us to integrate our business into our desired lifestyle. You may be starting your own line of clothing or setting up workshops for senior citizens to gain an edge on technology or writing that book or perhaps you want work as few hours as possible, earn some passive income and then use your cash to go to shows and concerts as much as possible. I know that it may seem everyone in the personal development world today is pushing you to turn your purpose and passions into profits but sometimes, they need to remain just as a part of your life rather than an income generating goal.
Or you may be just happy with your job and have a drive to volunteer and take part in magnificent events such as The Olympics, in which case you may not need to be a barefoot executive at all, but you still need the decisive intention to get there ;)!
Whatever the ideal work life picture may be for you, you must stay true to what you want to do for a living and then identify precisely how you need to go about creating the conditions to make it happen.
“We’re really bad about overvaluing everyone else and undervaluing ourselves. We tend to compare everyone else’s strengths to our weaknesses. I want you to quit undervaluing yourself. You are a rock star in several areas, and you need to tap into those.”
~Carrie Wilkerson
Top 7 Reasons to Read the Barefoot Executive
I give you my top 7 reasons why loved the book, the Barefoot Executive:
1 ~ Carrie simplifies concepts of running an online business without dumbing it down.
2 ~ Carrie admits to her mistakes and the lessons she has learned from each.
3 ~ Carrie teaches you how she has built all the pillars of her own business.
4 ~ Carrie gives you practical, actionable steps, which trump the fluffy stuff every time.
5 ~ Carrie is entertaining, funny and irresistibly likable.
6 ~ Carrie is so inspirational she wakes you up like a splash of ice-cold water.
7 ~ Carrie knows what she is talking about. Learn from those who walk their talk.
So how would your life change if you loved — really LOVED — your work, and did it with excitement everyday? If you want my honest (and uncensored) career strategies for your next professional move, hop on this list below:
Enough was enough was enough, and until I was desperate enough, I was comfortable being discontent.
~Carrie Wilkerson
Well, Carrie knows what it felt like to have enough and so did I. Have you had ENOUGH yet to where you are ready to do nothing other than your life’s work and your calling (AND get paid for it)?