Welcome back to Episode #40 of The Daily Interaction podcast. Today’s topic is on Episode 40 – Communicating without Your Voice. How do you continue to communicate and interact with the world around you when you have totally and completely LOST your voice? That’s what happened to me this week and that’s our topic for today. [Read more…] about Episode 40: Communicating without Your Voice
The Daily Interaction
Episode 39: Two Ultimate Relaxing Techniques
Welcome back to Episode #39 of The Daily Interaction podcast. Today’s topic is on Episode 39 – The 2 Ultimate Relaxing Techniques. How do you relax and get grounded before every interaction and why this is so important.
If you are nervous or stressed when you go into a conversation or into an interaction, it limits you so severely it’s not even funny! [Read more…] about Episode 39: Two Ultimate Relaxing Techniques
Episode 38: Bring Your Intention to Every Interaction
Welcome back to Episode #38 of The Daily Interaction podcast. Today’s topic is on Bringing Your Intention to Every Interaction of The Daily Interaction podcast. How do you set an intention, what is an intention versus a goal, and what does this all have to do with your daily exchanges and interactions? I talk to you about how this approach to your communications and how making this small change in your social exchanges can really affect the outcome of those conversations, probably to your surprise! [Read more…] about Episode 38: Bring Your Intention to Every Interaction
Episode 37: Moving Through Your Doubts and Insecurities
Welcome back to Episode #37 of The Daily Interaction podcast. Today’s topic is on The Second Rule of Confidence: Moving Through Your Doubts and Insecurities.
Do you believe, as I do, that we are all born confident, but we manage to hide that confidence over the years with layers of doubt, fear, insecurities – or Leaping Lizards as my friend Sandi calls them, and with second-guessing our every move and comparing every inch of our lives with strangers and with delusions of grandeur? Or is it a perhaps [Read more…] about Episode 37: Moving Through Your Doubts and Insecurities
Episode 36: The First Rule of Confidence – Love Yourself
Welcome back to Episode #36 of The Daily Interaction podcast. Today’s topic is on The First Rule of Confidence: Love Yourself. Do you know how to love yourself?
That’s right. We talk about love today, baby, so listen up. Loving yourself is one of the most fundamental parts of becoming a confident person, and that plays a huge role in your interactions, both with the world and with yourself. It is part intuition, part following your gut feel to be kind to yourself, and part an obligation – you owe it to yourself, you do!
We explore this topic today where I ask you deep questions and make you reflect on your life. Please feel free to be beautifully selfish for the next 30 minutes as you tune in to this show. [Read more…] about Episode 36: The First Rule of Confidence – Love Yourself