Today’s topic is How to Deal with Shame and Shine with Vulnerability. When I was attending WDS conference in July, I was ridiculously inspired by Dr. Brene Brown and her research on shame and vulnerability, two human emotions that every single one of us experiences without exception. Yet, two emotions that hardly make the cut for conversation.
Why is that, I wonder? Why do the things that we think about the most are the things we talk about the least?
I knew I had to explore this topic sooner or later, if only to better understand my own deep connection to shame and guilt, ingrained in me since my early childhood in Iran. What is it about shame that seems to cut through every inner barrier we have built against it to leave us naked and exposed? Why do we give shame so much power, and vulnerability so little credit?
Listen to this podcast to find out how I help you deal with shame and shine with vulnerability.
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(download .mp3)Dealing with Shame and Shining with Vulnerability Show Notes
1. The amazing research topics of a PhD researcher, and how Dr. Brown does her data gathering research on the topics of shame and vulnerability.
2. What Dr. Brown calls the people who did not “suffer” from vulnerability and how she describes them.
3. How do you always believe that you are worthy of love and belonging, and how that leads to embracing vulnerability?
4. The 3 top traits that all of the happy and whole-hearted people in Dr. Brown’s research had in common, and how they are able to do that.
5. Examining what you believe and how that relates to shame and the fear of disconnection.
6. Why and how shame stops you from reaching your goals and gets in your way.
7. The definition of courage and how that relates to approaching your life.
8. How to be totally OK with your flaws and your imperfections and how that leads to embracing vulnerability.
9. The Iranian culture and the tight association with shame and how that affected my own life and what you can learn from that.
10. Why do we allow shame and why to let shame go and how to take steps towards doing that?
11. How I practice vulnerability in my business, especially after the courage it took to leave the corporate world and old career and how you can learn from that too.
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