Welcome back to Episode #51 of The Daily Interaction podcast. Today’s topic is on The 10 Commandments of a Remarkable Communicator. We are nearing our one-year anniversary with the podcast, and I want to share with you 10 true principles of becoming that remarkable communicator that you envision.
What if you knew the foundation of what makes you remarkable as a communicator – someone that leaves an awe-inspiring impression on others in every single interaction? What if you made that impact in every interaction, every social exchange, and it became second nature to you? Yep, we are aiming high today so come for a fun ride with me as we close in our first year of weekly podcasts together!
First, Celebration Time: Contest, Rules, and Prize: Our ONE-YEAR Anniversary for the podcast is coming up fast. On August 1st, 2012, The Daily Interaction Podcast turns one! I am celebrating YOU, my constant listener. Let’s get to it!
Here are the qualification rules for our first ever podcast contest:
In the comments section here, just leave a comment telling me two things:
Number 1= Why do you listen to the show?
Number 2=What can I do to make it better in Year #2?
You can qualify by adding the comment either on Episode 50, 51 (this one) or 52 (next week) so you have 3 chances to enter the contest but why wait? I close the contest on July 25th, Wednesday noon eastern, and pick winner and announce it on Episode 53. Do it now!
The prize: A $30 Amazon Gift Certificate! I am of course IN LOVE with Amazon. Who isn’t? !
When I was younger, I used to think that you would need an environment that matched your style and class if you were to be considered remarkable communicator. You would need a fancy oak desk and a corner office in a nice skyscraper. You would need the fanciest office supplies to fill up your desks and shelves. You would need an assistant, and leather chairs for visitors to sit in, and possibly even a fancy rug or two. And most of all, you would need a group of fancy peers and colleagues just like you, who belonged to a certain club, and networked with at least a dozen super stars. Now that would have to make you a remarkable communicator because all the conditions are there on the outside for you to be one.
The truth is that it takes most everything from the inside for you to become a remarkable communicator, and your outside conditions are completely irrelevant.
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The 10 Commandments of a Remarkable Communicator Notes:
1. Recognize your listeners (readers, followers, anyone who is consuming your communications), because every single person counts. In the social media and blogging and podcasting space, especially, never ever forget that there is a real human being behind every statistics and every number. Make them count. Make them feel important because they really are.
2. Stop talking and start listening. By listening more and talking less, you learn so much. This can be whether you are in the corporate world, in a conference room, in an event, or at home with your loved ones. Practice listening, active acute listening and observing before talking. You learn so much.
3. Get to the point. You need to get to the point of what you are conveying. It is not sexy or attractive to go on and on vaguely. It frustrates your audience and is a lot harder than just getting to the point. If you need feedback, practice your talk or your communication with a trusted friend and validate that they do indeed get the point. Nothing worse than being misunderstood!
4. Be yourself. Please. Only yourself. It is not cool to be a copycat and to even copy your role models when it comes to your personality and your demeanors and your likes and dislikes. You can’t fake your way through this and you are far more interesting if you be yourself, but be the BEST version of yourself.
5. Make eye contact and smile a lot. You learn this at Communications 101 but tend to forget it promptly when it comes to daily practice. Do this a lot. Remarkable communicators are a master at this. And I referenced Episode 12 which talks about friendly transitions, you really don’t have to keep the eye contact and smile for every long at all to have a lasting impact!
6. Be confident. In fact, exude confidence. Get the 21-step confidence building series for FREE. Confidence attracts everyone and you have it, it may be dormant and under layers of doubts and fears but you have it and you can awaken your own confidence.
7. Respect everyone. I know this because I have been at the receiving end of disrespect and it’s no fun. Remember that if you want to be regarded as a remarkable communicator, you need to have this down hard.
8. Be sincere. Sincerity is meaning what you say, and truly believing what you say. I talk about how I was faking my way through it all in corporate towards the end, and nobody called me out on it but I felt horrid about it. So do not compromise your sincerity.
9. Exercise laser sharp focus. If you give something your absolute best, it is far better than an expert giving it a half-effort. If you tell yourself that you are going to focus sharp on your message, your delivery, your audience, you will hit it out of the park.
10. Be patient. because becoming a remarkable communicator takes time to build. It doesn’t build overnight. The road to becoming a remarkable communicator is a long but rewarding one.
That’s it for this week. IF YOU LOVE US, RATE US on iTUNES. And don’t forget to leave your comments to qualify for the contest!!