Welcome back to Episode #16 of The Daily Interaction podcast. Today’s topic is how to open conversations effectively, both with style and a sensible approach. In previous episodes, I focused a lot on best ways to end conversations or avoid them altogether in situations where you do not wish to engage with others.
Today, we are turning things around and adding a positive spin. Conversations can be fascinating and fun. How do you best open a conversation and make it memorable?
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Your Weekly Friday Show Notes:
1. How to understand people’s perceptions and the distinction between being interesting versus being interested in others and some pointers from my favorite new podcast.
2. A Yogi Berra counter-intuitive quote and the difference between a talk and a conversation.
3. The one trick to handling the art of conversation and how to best strike the right balance for achieving it.
4. Some practical tips for when you approach successful people and my intelligent question for meeting my ultimate rock star hero, Sir Elton John.
5. Abiding by the same basic human etiquette rules when you open conversations.
6. How having a purpose to a conversation, along with specific questions, sets the right tone and mood for it.
7. How to learn by watching someone before having a conversation with them and taking into account the fact that others may be watching you in public.
8. Following intuition versus logic: Which one should you do before you approach someone for a conversation?
9. How much does being approachable matters in the art of conversation?
10. What signals is your body language sending to others who wish to approach you?
Your thoughts on the show:
If you have thoughts and questions or suggestions on what topics you want to hear about in The Daily Interaction, let me know, leave a comment, give me a shout and I will incorporate them in the show.
A note to my listeners:
As you may imagine, it takes a ton of effort, planning, time and post-production to create these podcasts weekly. Not to mention all the equipment and training to gear up for this. SO, if you are enjoying the podcast so much that you want others to know, you can do something simple yet tremendous to support me: An honest iTunes rating! It will mean a great deal for the podcast. And for me. Thank you!