Welcome back to Episode #20 of The Daily Interaction podcast. Today’s topic is by a request from a listener and a friend John Kowalski who asked me to talk about controlling our internal energy. How do you interact with yourself, your thoughts, your mind and your wealth of ideas when your excitement is just over the moon?
The reason I took John’s request, besides always listening to your requests and acting on it, is just how much I relate. I can truly get the struggle that John has with so much internal energy from all the excitement for dreaming big and bigger all the tine. It is the challenge when you feel completely liberated and empowered to pursue your calling and follow your purpose in life and it’s no easy task to control the energy without crushing it.
In this podcast, I talk about what has worked for me as well as what has not worked, and give you fun and useful stories. Take a listen!
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Your Weekly Friday Show Notes:
1. What three things to do with ideas when they first come to you? I believe ideas are the beginning of everything and they can turn into everything: a new business, a new product, a new mission for your life. Reference prolificliving.com/ideas post series.
2. Why it is crucial to capture your ideas in their raw form and what do ideas have in common with dreams.
3. How to create an “idea locker” for the wealth of ideas and what to do with this idea locker.
4. How to strike the right balance between doing and thinking, and how to preserve the best of your creativity while still having some structure in place.
5. The difference between daydreaming, brainstorming and cultivating ideas.
6. How to generate ideas by asking questions and why you might want to incorporate meditation in the process. Check out this Meditation Manifesto.
7. Why exercise is the perfect physical outlet for that internal energy and the counter intuitive logic of how you can get more energy through this means, not to mention more ideas.
8. The importance of setting priorities and getting organized in order to be clear on what ideas to pursue.
One Question to Answer:
What is the most challenging daily interaction of all for you, one that you struggle with the most? Let me know in the comments below and don’t be surprised if I dedicate an entire podcast to it!