Welcome back to Episode #37 of The Daily Interaction podcast. Today’s topic is on The Second Rule of Confidence: Moving Through Your Doubts and Insecurities.
Do you believe, as I do, that we are all born confident, but we manage to hide that confidence over the years with layers of doubt, fear, insecurities – or Leaping Lizards as my friend Sandi calls them, and with second-guessing our every move and comparing every inch of our lives with strangers and with delusions of grandeur? Or is it a perhaps a really far stretch to what you are accustomed to believing: that you are either a confident person or not, and it is a mixture of luck, family upbringing, culture and society?
Well, if we can choose our beliefs consciously, then would you be willing to choose the former if only for today – that we are all born confident and just need to uncover the heavy layers to let our confidence breathe?
The inspiration for talking about confidence comes from a FREE program on Confidence Building Series that I am offering all my email subscribers. If you want in on the tips, resources, and exercises on building confidence for you in bite-size chunks every other week then just go to the top right hand corner of this page here and sign up. The program is LIVE now.
Guess Who is the Fresh Voice This Episode:
Michael Brown, UK leadership coach and negotiation teacher, is the Fresh New Voice today on the show and I am honored that Michael took the time to record the introductions for me. I met Michael in 2007 and he has been a mentor, a coach and now a friend. His blog, Real Learning for a Change, takes a new approach to education and his videos on YouTube are hilarious – it is the British humor – and full of insights. Thank you Michael for doing the voice-over for me.Thank you, Michael!
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(download .mp3)Your Weekly Friday Show Notes:
1. Why doubts are sometimes a really good thing and why in those times, you need to listen to them, versus the other times when the doubts are damaging and destructive and you need to recognize those and be cautious about them.
2. The essence of self-doubt and why that equates your faith in your own failure to such an extent that you eliminate possibility of success in the process, and what you should do about it.
3. What Bill Murray, Lost in Translation, and Japanese have to do with self-doubt. You gotta listen for the story, because I can’t do it justice in text.
4. Approach Number 1 on How to deal with doubt: I tell you how to leave self-doubt as is and to start with confidence. I give you tips on integrating confidence into your thinking and your mindset with concrete examples.
5. Approach Number 2 on How to deal with doubt: How to push through doubt, how to get the mindset of a lab experiment and what to expect, and what kind of questions to ask of yourself after the experiment.
6. How it will feel when you awaken your inner confidence and why you need to do the inner work to get there. Related podcast episodes are Episode 6: Asking for what you what and also Episode 26: Having the Salary Conversation.
7. Wherever you put your energy and attention, that will grow so you choose whether you are going to put that energy and focus on your doubts or on your confidence, and remember to make the best assumptions about your life and about others.
8. My last, final tip, and it took some guts to do this one on the air – if neither of the above approaches work for you, I give you the tip I have been using to stop the chatter in my brain, especially if you are in an unresolved emotional situation. Listen to the show for the “demo”!
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A huge shout-out to those of you who left reviews on iTunes, THANK YOU guys!! And if you like these conversations and want to support the podcast, I am not accepting donations – the podcasts are FREE and yours to enjoy – but boy would I love you if you took a few minutes to do an honest iTunes ratings for it. It goes a long way to keep the podcast going strong and spread the word. Thank you for listening!