Note: The Smart Exit Blueprint program is no longer available but you may still watch the video series and take steps toward your own smart exit. To explore private coaching opportunities with Farnoosh, please apply here.
Now that you have watched the video, you should be able to apply the immediate steps you can take if you hate your job and need the paycheck. Do that now and watch for the next video in your Inbox.
Video #2 Transcript
Hello and welcome. My name is Farnoosh Brock. Today, I want to talk to you about a very specific situation and that is: you hate your job but you need the paycheck. Now what? What do you do? Should you do nothing? I get this question a lot when it comes to exit strategies and I want to help you understand that there is a lot you can do.
I want to first talk to you about what it means that you hate your job. What is it doing to your life? Are you even aware of the impact it has when you hate your job? It’s really important to understand that. Then, I want to give you some tips on how you, in this particular situation, can start thinking about an exit strategy.
Are you ready?
I want you to think about an urgency scale. I’m going to call it an “urgency scale.” We’re going to talk about all the areas of your life that are being affected and I want you think about your situation and how that is being affected for you.
Number one: we all know it – stress. The mental pressure; the weight of doing something you don’t want to do. At the beginning it may be mild, but it can grow and I want you to really pay attention to that.
Number two: I called it sickness but it is health; your general, physical health. Is that being affected? Are you experiencing headaches, or stress, or ulcer? What else is happening to you as a result of having a job that you don’t like to do?
Number three: family. Is your family being affected as a result of you not being happy? Are they suffering in any way?
Number four: your relationships. Outside of your family: your job, your work, your peers, your colleagues and also the rest of your family and friends, are your relationships getting affected as a result of all the pressure that you are carrying?
Your social events and your lifestyle – is that getting affected? When you’re not happy, you probably don’t want to be doing things that you used to enjoy and you may not want to hang around the people that you used to hang around with. So, look around and observe what’s happening. Is that being affected all as a result of doing a job that you hate?
The last one is spare time, which is not a very common one but I want to talk to you about this because your time is your greatest asset, and if you’re in a job that you do not like, it’s likely that you are putting in more hours than you should be putting. Are you giving up all of your spare time?
The reason I talked to you about all of these is because I want you to think about all the areas of your life that’s being affected; the things that you’re giving up as a result of being in this situation: the cost of having a job that you hate.
I want to give you some homework and the homework is this:
Think about a scale of one to then. That’s our urgency scale – one being very mildly affected and ten being massively affected. I want you to think about your situation and go through all of these situations and give it a rating. Then I want you to look at your results and if you have a lot of nines and tens it is urgent. It is crucial for you to take some action because if you don’t take action, worse things happen and you really need to be in control of where you’re going with your career and your work, and naturally your life.
What kind of action can you take? We said that you need the paycheck. That is the reality of the situation. I get that. First, you can look at the conditions around your current job. The exit, the way I define it for you, would be to exit this frustrating situation and create more harmony; a place where you can be a happier person but you can change the conditions.
Think about negotiating better hours with your boss. Think about setting boundaries, saying, “No,” once in a while when they ask you to do something. Think about maybe arranging to work from home sometimes, or other things where it will positively feed you and help you be in a better position in all these important areas.
That in itself could be your immediate exit from that really frustrating situation to a better one, and then when you are there, you can think more clearly and move on to the next exit until you are where you’re doing the work that you absolutely love.
Another situation is, maybe you create a new condition. If the current condition cannot change, the current job situation, then you create a new condition. You think about securing a different job which is going to be mildly affecting these areas, and then, you can again move out of this really frustrating situation with this exit plan into a better place. That may not be the permanent place you’re in, but it’s going to be your current exit plan until you can think further ahead on where you want to be.
I hope this helps you understand that even if you are in this desperate situation, there are things you can do, and the worst thing you can do is to do nothing.
If you want to work together and put together your step-by-step Smart Exit blueprint, I would love to help you because I’ve gone through all of these and I don’t want it to have been in vain.
Think about working together, putting together your Smart Exit blueprint and I will see you in the next educational video.
Thank you for watching. Bye!