"The more I understand differences, the more I like people." These were the words our leadership instructor wrote on the flip chart the day we talked about our communication styles. Our subject that day was Laura Browne's blue book, an insightful … [Continue reading] about Laura Browne: “Why can’t you communicate like me?”
Keith Ferrazzi: “Never Eat Alone”
In the eyes of Keith Ferrazzi, success - in our careers and in life - is all about relationships. Everything in our universe is related to everything else through a relationship. We must develop, establish and nurture our relationships in life. We … [Continue reading] about Keith Ferrazzi: “Never Eat Alone”
Review of Tom Rath’s “StrengthFinder”
Oh what an exhausting year 2007 has been for me. A mentally draining and highly unsatisfying year in my career. What to do to turn things around? My best productivity shows in the form of books I read cover to cover, and the thousands of miles I fly … [Continue reading] about Review of Tom Rath’s “StrengthFinder”
Po Bronson: “What should I do with my life?”
A life with purpose will beckon all of us at some point to answer these questions. Are we doing something worthwhile with life? Is our work meaningful? Are we wasting it away at a keyboard or in an office or in the air on business travel? … [Continue reading] about Po Bronson: “What should I do with my life?”
Joseph Finder: “Power Play”
Joseph Finder does it again - a corporate thriller sent directly to my house, the Advanced Reader's Edition of "Power Play". This is one of the perks of being a fan of Joseph Finder. The book is due out in August 2007 and I have already finished it … [Continue reading] about Joseph Finder: “Power Play”