Sometimes, a small action on the part of one can instill a lifetime of pursuit and passion on the part of another. The occasion may come about as ordinarily as is passing of the hours in a day and this transformation of grand measures may be as … [Continue reading] about A Transfer of Passion: How I Fell in Love with French
Revive your Literary Side
I have a ritual with my books - first, to come into possession of book (through some generous source as I rarely buy books), read/inhale/digest the book, write a deeply personal blog post on book, keep book on shelf (if I loved it)/donate book to … [Continue reading] about Revive your Literary Side
The Power of Traditions, Iranian Culture and Stories from a Cup
If you ever leave your home country for another, you will no doubt gain a world of experience and adventure but you will still have to make some sacrifices, no matter who you are and whence you come. Let giving up your traditions not be one of those … [Continue reading] about The Power of Traditions, Iranian Culture and Stories from a Cup
Back on the Bike: Reawakening the Cyclist Within
On Tuesday morning, the last day of June 2010, I met a new woman at the 5:45am cycling class: myself! A new woman with the stamina, perseverance, strength and power that I would not have otherwise believed existed in me were it not for the image in … [Continue reading] about Back on the Bike: Reawakening the Cyclist Within
Self-Reflection: 19 Things I Wish I Knew Earlier in Life
What do you wish you knew when you were younger? A dear blogger friend asked me to write my thoughts about this in a post and at first I thought, thanks but I'll get to it when I can. Then I started reading the collection of bittersweet … [Continue reading] about Self-Reflection: 19 Things I Wish I Knew Earlier in Life