Welcome back to Episode #51 of The Daily Interaction podcast. Today’s topic is on The 10 Commandments of a Remarkable Communicator. We are nearing our one-year anniversary with the podcast, and I want to share with you 10 true principles of becoming that remarkable communicator that you envision. [Read more…] about Episode 51: The 10 Commandments of a Remarkable Communicator
Episode 50: The Power of Pausing plus Podcast Contest
Welcome back to Episode #50 of The Daily Interaction podcast. Today’s topic is on The Power of Pausing. What can pausing do for your communications if you just take a few seconds to be silent and to insert a pause in every aspect of every communication? The results are astounding, every time I have done it and now I want to encourage you to do the same. [Read more…] about Episode 50: The Power of Pausing plus Podcast Contest
Episode 49: The Art of Persistence and How to Achieve Big Results
Welcome back to Episode #49 of The Daily Interaction podcast. Today’s topic is on The Art of Persistence and How to Achieve Big Results. This is an indirect topic that will absolutely will improve your interactions and social exchanges. I talk to you about what it takes for anyone – including and especially you – to achieve big results in life.
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Our ONE-YEAR Anniversary for the podcast is coming up in 3 weeks! Stay tuned for the celebration, because I am celebrating YOU with a contest and a sweet giveaway. So stay tuned! [Read more…] about Episode 49: The Art of Persistence and How to Achieve Big Results
Episode 48: How to Tell Your Boss You Are Quitting Your Job
Welcome back to Episode #48 of The Daily Interaction podcast. Today’s topic is on How to Tell Your Boss You Are Quitting. How to have that conversation in such a way that you continue the relationship with your boss and company, even if you can’t stand your job! This is a dialogue that you want to get right when you are leaving your job and moving on to another opportunity and I tell you step-by-step, word for word, how to have this talk. I also teach you how to have this chat without using the words “quit” “resign” even once! [Read more…] about Episode 48: How to Tell Your Boss You Are Quitting Your Job
Episode 47: How to Network at Events
Welcome back to Episode #47 of The Daily Interaction podcast. This episode brings you the best of my networking tips as we explore How to Network at Events. I want to share with you fun networking tips, and bring the FUN back in it even as we do it with the utmost professionalism. I share practical tips that are going to make your next networking event the MOST fun event on your social calendar, so get ready! [Read more…] about Episode 47: How to Network at Events