Etiquette is an accepted social behavior in a particular setting; it defines the proprieties of conduct as established in any class or community or occasion. Etiquette is not a loud and explicit rule; it is soft and subtle and yet always carries you further when you observe appropriate etiquette in the right setting. Master the etiquette of the occasion and you will immediately draw favorable attention of the crowd. Yoga, which everyone can do, is no exception. A tradition as ancient and beautiful as yoga comes with a certain level of implied etiquette and it is the sincere hope of any devoted yoga practitioner to see all his or her fellow yoginis observe the same unwritten proprieties. [Read more…] about 14 Yoga Etiquette Tips: Respect your Fellow Yoginis
On Supporting Your Community, Giving and Guest Posting
Florence, Italy, May 2008 – Looking down at Arno river from Ponte Vecchio (Old Bridge), I was mesmerized by this simple sight: A young crew of Italian children hard at work, learning the concept of team work. If even one of them stops rowing, the shared momentum is lost and the camaraderie comes into question. What a simple drill to teach a grand lesson and what lucky children to learn this lesson so early on. Here’s hoping they will remember this when they need it most in life!
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A Blog Award and Why Blogging Community Rocks
The last time I was looking to switch jobs within my company, I focused on one factor: the people. Not the project or the organization or even the position so much as the people. I passionately believe that if I were in the company of people that I could trust and appreciate, I would perform at my absolute best. People, I decided, make all the difference in one’s happiness and productivity at the workplace. And I was lucky enough to find a team made up of the best people.
My principle applies yet again when it comes to the blogging community. [Read more…] about A Blog Award and Why Blogging Community Rocks
A Yoga Breakthrough and 8 Ways to Build a Conscious Practice
It is only now, after nearly 8 years of on and off the mat yoga practice, growing, regressing, obsessing, trying, giving up, and returning again and again to yoga, that I am making a small breakthrough, one for which I dearly wish a permanent stay. The irony of the breakthrough itself is humbling. It is imperceptible in my outer form and vibrating with excitement in my inner core. [Read more…] about A Yoga Breakthrough and 8 Ways to Build a Conscious Practice
Winner of the Book Contest and Your 24 Book Recommendations
Before announcing the book winner, let me just delight in the impressive show of contestants on Prolific Living’s Book contest. We had 24 unique entries from you on your all-time most favorite reads and the ways in which you had been impacted by these great books. Thank you!
The variety, creativity and interesting approach to your responses and the books cited made it such a good challenge for the judges to select a single winner. We used a point system where [Read more…] about Winner of the Book Contest and Your 24 Book Recommendations