Too many mornings, I chose email over mediation, I chose twitter time over introspection time. Too many nights, I collapsed into deep sleep without taking a moment to quiet the mind and reflect on the day. Too many days in 2010, I chose impulsively rather than consciously. The heart longed to make meditation a ritual, a habit, a permanent part of daily life and yet, the body and the stubborn mind won the negotiation game far too often. I love doing – prolific living is the essence of a productive, rich, and creative life. But doing does not complete us without the being. [Read more…] about A Manifesto for Meditation
9 Secrets to a Winning Customer Support Experience
How well do you handle your interactions with customer support?
Yesterday, an AT&T rep of all people put me in my place. I was completely out of line when I said she was not doing anything to help me. She was. I was also wrong when I told her it’s nearly impossible to isolate an intermittent problem. She had a process for it if only I listened long enough. Funny enough, her spunkiness instantly turned things around for me.
I moved from a place of utter frustration and defensiveness to a place of compassion, patience and collaboration.
What right did I have to get frustrated with her when she had only known my problem for all of 3 minutes [Read more…] about 9 Secrets to a Winning Customer Support Experience
Blogworld Series: The Golden Nuggets of Knowledge
Awesome content every time.
Original content with value for your readers.
Perseverance and persistence.
Consistency and authenticity.
Those were the repeated messages from the best sessions I attended. Knowledge and information which addressed not just bloggers but writers, creators, artists, and communicators alike. If you are any one of these, this post is for you.
Ironically, they are messages I already knew before Blogworld – I just did not know why they played such a central role to thriving in the ever expanding blogosphere. [Read more…] about Blogworld Series: The Golden Nuggets of Knowledge
A Blogger’s Dilemma: To Post or Not to Post from Vacation?
Ironic as it may sound, after the post on micro vacations, I report live from quite the opposite – the heart of an extended vacation. Sitting here in beautiful Bali after week long visits to Toronto and Singapore, I find it nearly impossible to focus on writing this next blog post. Before embarking on this journey, I committed to writing my regular twice weekly posts from vacation. The city vibes from Toronto’s TIFF10 and Singapore’s buzzing energy and activities with friends made it easy and natural to keep the schedule for the first 12 days. Even the exhaustion from hours of walking and little sleep did not meddle with the writing schedule. [Read more…] about A Blogger’s Dilemma: To Post or Not to Post from Vacation?
Beyond the First 30 Days: Staying Committed to Habits
As I commit to another fantastic month long health-forming challenge, I question one thing: How long does it really take to form long-term, sustainable, healthy new habits that seamlessly integrate into your life as though they have always been there? What type of commitment? Habits that once formed never part. Habits of a lifetime.
Forming life-long habits is not easy for me, not for lack of self-discipline or motivation. Rather, I fear for boredom and loss of creativity if committed too long to a particular habit so sometimes I flounder in my commitments. My fear is completely unfounded – I know – and has yet to materialize. Forming truly health-conscious, self-improvement habits clears the mind, strengthens the body, and wakes the spirit – in fact, they make room for creativity and new flows of energy. They bring new life into our lungs and a renewed sense of purpose into our hearts, lest we forget [Read more…] about Beyond the First 30 Days: Staying Committed to Habits